I am a long time investor focused on value investing and trading options for financial freedom. I create many free videos on Youtube that demonstrate the types of investments I made that allowed me to retire by 40. Spreadsheets, mortgage calculators and journals for stock and option trading. Built for active traders.
Tools for Financial Independence
Patterns for Leather, Metal and Woodworking Projects
Achieve financial freedom. Download spreadsheets, mortgage calculators and journals for stock and option trading. Get rich, retire early.
'Let's get rich together' - Levi Woods
Dividend Investing | Options Trading | Mortgage Planning
Spreadsheet to track the selling of cash secured puts, covered calls and the buying and selling of stock using the Options Wheel Strategy.
*** Digital Download: Google Sheets ***
A straightforward way to track your Wheel Strategy from initial cash deposit to your final withdrawal.
The chart included calculations for commission fees, dividends, open options, cash allocation to short puts and annualized return on capital.
*** Enter Values into cells that have a WHITE background colour only***
By nature, the Wheel Strategy is a long term position and this chart makes it easy for investors to simplify the process and record each and every trade and transaction.
Check out the video demo here:
I used this chart in my #Drawbridge50K challenge. Check out the video here: