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Complex Options Comparison Calculator
Spreadsheet to compares up to three complex descriptions graphically, with a video tutorial: https://youtu.be/TbfQ-LI2tFE
*** Digital Download: Google Sheets ***
Check your trading strategies and ideas before you adjust or roll your options with this comparison chart.
Compare potential trades side by side using profit and loss charts and a table of data.
Visually optimize your decisions based on your assumption of the underlying move.
This spreadsheet compares up to three complex options trading strategies
- each strategy can include up to eight legs
- each leg can have any quantity
- stock purchases can be added per strategy
There are no dates in this chart. Chart does not display return on investment or return over time.
There is another version of this spreadsheet that allows for Backtesting Weekly Options Strategies. It is a few dollars more but the added functionality. If you're playing weekly options and are considering this spreadsheet also check out "Backtesting Weekly Options"
• 1x Comparison Spreadsheets: Compare up to 3 complex options strategies with Chart
The pdf has links to google drive where the spreadsheets can be copied.
*** Enter values into cells that have a WHITE background colour only***
Check out the video demo here: